App lets you control Air Conditioning, TV’s, DvD, Sound, and more!

Have you ever thought about being able to control your SmartTV, Stereo, Car Sound, DVD, TV Receiver, MediaBox, Cable TV Receiver, Satellite Dish Receiver and Air Conditioning or even your professional camera without even taking your hands off your smartphone?

Yes this is possible, and today I will show an application does it perfectly. In addition to also makes it available for download at a link so you can test it yourself!

Click here to Download/Download



The operation is relatively simple, just enter the application and choose the type of device you want to control in the control panel of the application, then just insert in the search bar the BRAND / MODEL of the device, Wait until the data of the remote control is fetched on an external server and installed and ready! You can now use your phone as a universal remote control.

Application turns mobile phone into universal remote control
Application allows you to control a wide range of devices and appliances.

We even tested on some devices, and it worked great.

The devices we tested and the app proved to work well:

  • Samsung Modern SmartTV 
  • Samsung Old Tube TV
  • Semp Toshiba Old Tube TV
  • LG Modern SmartTV
  • (According to the Manufacturer the application can Any existing TV set in a generic mode).
  • Automotive Sound Pioneer DEH 1680UB
  • Midea Air Conditioner
  • LG Air Conditioning
  • Electrolux Air Conditioner
  • Air Conditioning Consul
  • Old JVC Radio
  • Nikon D7000 Photo Camera
  • DVD Toshiba
  • DVD Pioneer
  • Xbox 360 Video Game ( Only serves as control of functions such as turn off, on, Volume + and – in tv or video applications, and Play / Pause / Volume / >>/< na reprodução de DVD.
Application configured to control Samsung TV.
Application configured to control samsung TV.

It is also possible to record functions of other remote controls by simply aiming the control at the cell phone sensor, and select to learn new remote control.

The only drawback of the application is that it only works on mobile devices with Android Operating System and have infrared ir sensor, functional.  And there are still few devices that nowadays have infra red transmitter function.  In our case, we used the application for testing on a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini i9192 and it worked as expected because the device has infrared support.

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