Unlock Mobile with Android, Learn how to:

If you forgot your password, unlock pattern, pin code, or access code of your mobile phone do not panic!

Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
Unlock android without losing your data, without losing photos, without losing contacts, without losing anything! Pin unlock, password, drawing unlock, unlock fingerprint unlock pattern.

Using this method it will no longer be necessary to format your device, or erase all data to be able to unlock the screen of itFor this process to work you will need to make sure that:

The first step is to download the software that will assist in unlocking your device:

Click here to Download/Download


  • The locked device in question must have memory card input.
  • You have a memory card with at least 1.32 megabytes of space available.
  • Your device needs to have the option to access the advanced recovery screen (Recovery).
  • It is also worth making it clear that this method has been tested by us on three devices from different manufacturers and we have succeeded in unlocking, more than that does not mean that it will work on any smartphone or android version on which you try to do, so we are not responsible for errors in the procedure, damaged devices, or even negative experiences with the software made available here.
  • Be very careful when using the file explorer tool available here because if you delete a single wrong file your smartphone can turn into a brick without use. It is important that you have absolute knowledge and understanding of what you are doing, so everything will work out.

So come on, get to work!

The first step is to turn off the smartphone, or remove the battery and put again. Then remove the memory card and ensira on another device, or on a computer to copy the software into it! With it turned off go to the recovery screen, note: each device has a sequence of keys to press for the hidden recovery tee to appear! Suppose you are trying to do on a samsung handset so do the following:

Press the buttons together: Connect + Decrease Volume + Menu button. Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
Press the buttons together: Connect + Decrease Volume + Menu button.

Hold down the buttons for a few seconds, and if all goes well, a screen like this will appear:

Advanced recovery menu. Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
Advanced recovery menu.

After the recovery screen appears you can release the buttons you were pressing.

Select the install zip from sdcard option, or apply update from sdcard.  one of the two options is going to have to work. After selecting, you will be taken to a list of files from the memory card, select the software you downloaded here and put on the memory card!  the “Aroma_FM.zip”.  and press ok, or the menu/home key.   Ready! Wait to load!  You may be redirected to a touchscreen calibration screen, do the calibration, select the YES option, and then press menu again.  If all goes well you will probably see a screen like this:

Aroma File manager. Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
Aroma File manager.

Within the program, go to the Date folder, then inside it enter the system folder.

If all goes well you will see these files:

Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG

Select the following files: “locksettings.db”
“locksettings.shm” “locksettings.db-wal” “gesture.key” and “password.key” then click on the menu option and select delete!  Confirm the deletion of the files and restart the device!

After restarting the handset you will probably be taken to lock screen again, do not be discouraged yet, just type anything, or draw any pattern on the screen, and give ok!  Ready! Your android will be unlocked and you haven’t lost any of your data!  I hope this article will be useful to you!

Unlock newer devices:

On newer devices with android >

  • 4.4 Kit Kat
  • 5.0 Lolipop
  • 6.0 Marshmallow
  • 7.0 Nougat
  • 8.0 Oreo

That have support the installation of custom recovery TWRP the procedure for unlocking the screen becomes much simpler! simply installing TWRP.  And then going into recovery mode and following the steps in the images below:

How to unlock Android by TWRP custom recovery - unlock ANDROID PHONE FOR FREE - Unlock android phone without losing data - default unlock - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola mobile phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
After installing TWRP enter recovery mode on your device to access the menu using the special key combination. Then click the ADVANCED option and then click the file manager option.

Unlock android phone without losing data - unlock pattern - pin unlock - unlock password - unlock motorola phone for free - unlock mobile phone - unlock mobile phone - unlock samsung - unlock lenovo - unlock cce - unlock positive - unlock nexus - unlock htc - unlock bike - unlock sony - unlock LG
After clicking on the advanced option click on file manager.

And go to the path / folder /data/system And rename the files:

  • gatekeeper.password.key
  • gatekeeper.pattern.key
  • locksettings.db
  • locksettings.db-shm
  • locksettings.db.wal


  • gatekeeper.password.key.backup
  • gatekeeper.pattern.key.backup
  • locksettings.db.backup
  • locksettings.db-shm.backup
  • locksettings.db.wal.backup

Restart the device and voila! Your phone’s been unlocked. If something goes wrong just return the file name to the previous name and the changes will be undone.

But what about installing TWRP?

To install twrp on each device / make / model there are different procedures.

  • You will need a computer running windows XP or higher,
  • A usb cable in good condition
  • Installation drivers compatible with your device.
  • The software that takes care of passing the files to the device. (For each brand there is a specific software or procedure).
  • And you will also need the installation file for your device that can be found here.

The list of TWRP compatible devices can be found here.

The procedure for installing a custom recovery is similar to the procedure for installing a new rom on the device.

If you have questions, need help just use the comments form below:

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