Free download of Decode and Reset for CENTRAL IAW 4AF 4SF 4SGF 4DF AVS AVI 4AVP BOSCH 7.5. 7.5.10 7.5.20 7.5.30 6LP CITROEN Files Reset and Decode ST10 Free Download at description:
Do it yourself for free: ST10 Automotive Power Plant Programmer + Boots Download + Links + Downloads + Reset of the plants.

Cars have evolved and with evolution new problems have emerged, and solutions for them. it has been a long time since vehicles have been equipped with electronics, which has made them more efficient and reliable. But like every man-made machine, vehicles still have problems and defects in their components and parts over time, which is totally natural since we don’t even last forever without needing any intervention.
To download free st10 program, Link Schemes, Boots, and Central Download Resets just click on the link below and you will be redirected to the download page:
Click here To Download – Download
The cars manufactured in Brazil in particular fiat, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Ford, Citroen, and Peugeot have as a common feature the application of engine management computers of manufacturers Magnet Marelli and Bosch that used and still use data processors made by ST microeletronics family ST10F and that due to problems with malfunction of the ignition system , or battery failures, faults in the vehicle’s electrical system end up having their data corrupted which ends up compromising the operation of the car engine.
With the Programmer St10 it is also possible to reset a central used to leave it as new and be used in another car, just follow the instructions in the file I left for download downstairs to reset the centers! (Resetting a plant she marries alone with the immobilizer of the vehicle).
See also: (How to Reset Immobilizer or Remove Automotive Immobilizer, Coded Key);
That’s why it’s important to keep the ignition system revised, and the battery in good condition. To avoid losing data or damage to the computer that manages the ignition and injection systems of the engine.
The main symptoms of a uce with corrupted data in its memory are:
- Engine malfunction at idle
- Scanner-undetectable failures
- Holes in acceleration
- Vehicle no longer accelerates, and there are no malfunctions in the memory of injection system failures
- Failed to connect with a scanner to the vehicle diagnostic system
- Wrong data displayed by the scanner on the scan screen continues as: wrong engine temperature, wrong absolute pressure far out of range, inconsistent lambda probe data.
- Vehicle does not start / UCE blocked
To solve problems with the corrupted programming of the plants just connect to UCE through a serial interface and put the ST10 processor in bootstrap mode so that it agrees to be programmed / written.
The process is considered complicated by some, but if you follow step by step the chance of success is 100%. You can purchase the st10 ready interface from some free market trader, or resellers. Or if you have knowledge of electronics and want to venture you can build your own interface using the construction scheme below:

Material required:
- 1 islet plate for welding components,
- 1 1k resistor,
- 2 10k resistors,
- 3 3k resistors,
- 1 rectifier diode in4007 or equivalent,
- 1 electrolytic capacitor of 0.47uf,
- 2 BC945 transistors or equivalent, you can use the BC548 or BC546 instead of the BC945.
- and if you want to use the interface on a USB port also buy a serial converter for USB.
The interface pins:
- PIN 12v : Obviously it is system power must be connected to a 12 volt supply
- PIN (GND on the right) : It is the negative referring to the interface power also -12 volts
- PIN 2 RXD : Must be connected to PIN RX or 2 from serial port or SERIAL/USB converter
- PIN 3 TXD : Must be connected to TX PIN or 3 serial port or SERIAL/USB converter
- PIN 5 (GND on the left) : Must be connected to the GND pin of the serial port
- K-LINE PIN : Must be connected to the communication pin with vehicle control unit scanner, also known as the K line.

To put the St10 processor into programming mode it is necessary to connect a resistance at certain points on the UCE board. For each automotive plant the procedure is different should be followed carefully and carefully so that the ECU is not damaged.

It is also necessary a program that allows you to communicate, copy data, delete, and rewrite in the memory of the processor that is called st10flasher:

To program the central you will also need the download files, the Program ST10flasher that is responsible for making the programmer work, and also the images that show how to connect the interface to the central! I’ll be making it available for download at the following link:
The password to gain access to the contents of the files is
You can also like the Article :. Build your own Automotive Power Plant Programmer, FlashOBD.
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