ECU Engine Crank Wheel Simulator – Automotive Signal Injector FREE Download scheme – Build your own!

Automotive Plant Simulator - Hall Magnetico Rotation Signal Injector
Automotive Plant Simulator – Hall Magnetico Rotation Signal Injector

In today’s article, I bring you a very nice project for those who want to set up their own automotive plant simulator, or rotation signal injector, you can use the project to assemble your first plant simulator, or rotation signal injector or phonic sensor simulator / Sensor Hall, and thus be able to simulate ECU modules on bench, test plants, and diagnose defects that drive automotive engine units.

automotive signal gun for simulator
Simulator / Automotive Rotation Signal Injector.   Image Source: Internet, Google

The project consists of:

  • Complete project, in Proteus – Isis format for real-time simulation on your computer screen.
  • Editable source code in C, or MikroC, already operational so you can customize your own signal injector, or build your plant simulator.
Plant Repair - Ecu UCE
Ecu – UCE Automotive – Electronic Injection Command Center.

The Central simulator is indispensable for repair of plants, because with it it is possible to simulate the operation of the Computer ECU – UCE in bench without the need of the vehicle nearby. Enabling accurate testing and repairs with 100% success!   Your Customers Thank You!

Click here to Download – Download

With the files made available here you can: make the board of your simulator, collect the list of components that will compose your electronic circuit, modify the project to your liking, as well as also edit the source code in the c programming language, to insert other options, or customize the project in infinite ways as you want!

To open the project files, you will need programs that can be found here:

Click here for Links and information.

Attention the project files are password protected for extraction with WinRAR.

You must use the password “” without quotation marks to extract!

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