Free Brand Logo: Download the professional and free logo creator here!

Create brand logo for free for your company website or blog, click here and download the professional creation tool.
How to create free brand logo for your company, website, shop, blog or website:

The Logo Brand is an important tool to get people’s attention, and also remember them of a particular product.  To those who say that the creation of the Logo Marca is as important as the choice of the name of a company, so it is of paramount importance that the Logo Marca is easily rememberable and at the same time propagates the idea of the company, and what its activities through colors, shapes, drawings and texts.

Download the updated tool for the latest version 2018 at the link below:

Click here to Download/Download


The tool we will make available here is free for you who is a user of our site, and it is easy to handle. The tool is still in English, but we are providing a translation that will be posted here on the site from January 10, 2019, even being in English is very easy and intuitive to use it and it contains more than 600 logo brand templates already ready and fully customizable for you to edit and leave with the look you want.

Create professional brand logo for free, download here the brand logo generator!
Create professional brand logo for free, download here the brand logo generator!
  • You need to have a computer running windows 7 or higher to use the tool;
  • It will take at least 50 megabytes of space on your computer to install.

Steps to install the Free Brands Logo creation tool:

  1. Unzip the file using the 7zip WinRAR or decompressor of your choice;
  2. Open the installer file that exists inside the folder where the extracted files are;
  3. Click next > next > and finally install.

Basic steps to use the program:

  1. Open the tool with a double click on its shortcut on the desktop;
  2. Face to face will already appear on the screen a panel with precompiled logos;
  3. If you prefer choose one of your choice, and click on the chosen one;
  4. Notice that will open an editing screen of the elements, to edit the text of the logo or add text you must double click on the text, or simply use the add text button;
  5. Choose font style, size, and colors in the control panel;
  6. To save your logo, just click on the button that looks like blue floppy, at the top of the program window on the left.
  7. If you want you can also create a logo with the transparent background to use it as a watermark and add under images, just click on the “ball” that has in the upper left corner near save, and then click under “export image” and select in image format the OPTION PNG and then check the “transparent background” box. Once this is done, click export, name the file, and save it to your desktop.

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