Everything else you need to know about these two parts of your vehicle

A tire and wheel check of your Celtic Chevrolet should be part of your routine, as a basic inspection can improve your safety and even help increase your fuel economy. Within this topic, learn more about bald tires, balancing, and other care that wheels should receive.
Have you ever felt a strange vibration coming from the steering wheel when you're traveling down the road with your vehicle, or have you ever felt the car shake while increasing speed?
Before you put your Corsa up for sale because you think the problem is inside the car, think with us. Perhaps these effects are being caused by the tyres (that's right, the tyres), which may have worn out faster than normal.
If so, you may be seeing the results of unbalanced wheels, which may provide you with uncomfortable rides like the one we mentioned in the previous paragraph and even cause some dangerous and expensive side effects that even may not even give you the chance to put your Corsa up for sale in the future.
To better understand this problem, it is interesting to know that, between their tires and wheels, there is a range of weights that aligns inside, part that usually goes unnoticed by the common driver.
During the life of their wheels, these weights that are initially evenly distributed around their circumference will begin to change, which causes an imbalance.
This imbalance could be along the horizontal plane of the wheel, which would cause side-by-side vibration, or could be concentrated at certain points (too heavy or too light) of the tire, causing the forward rotation to be turbulent.
This can lead to a draw downand/or displacement, as well as accelerated tire wear when in contact with asphalt, which may cause you to have to buy new tires earlier than expected.
While it is possible to balance your wheels on your own, it is much more efficient to take your car to a workshop with professional equipment and machinery.
There, the mechanic will remove the wheels from your car. One by one, it will securely secure them on a balancing machine that rotates quickly to measure where the imbalances are.
Once the machine is able to read where the weight needs to be distributed, the mechanic will then replace the weights inside the wheel and repeat the process so that the remaining wheels are balanced as well.
It is important to note that unbalanced wheels may not be the only cause for the tremor or vibration felt in your car while driving. Bent wheels and uneven tire wear can also cause uneven travel, and for these problems, you may need new tires.
When purchasing Hb20, check your vehicle owner's manual for manufacturer's recommendations for time or mileage to provide alignment and balancing services. Still, keep in mind that these repairs can be anticipated due to the type of use of the vehicle.
Generally, the indicated mileage varies between 5 and 10,000 kilometers. However, a malfunction caused by a stronger hit in a hole can anticipate going to the mechanic.
In addition, if the driver notices the symptoms we have mentioned before or if he notices irregular wear on the tread (part of the tire that touches the ground), it is recommended to take the vehicle to a workshop for an inspection and, if necessary, proper repair.
Attention with the wheels
To help you protect your wheels from the first moment you buy new Hb20 for you, here are our guidelines on how best to do this and ensure they've been preserving their looks and performance for many years to come.
- Never wash the wheels when they are hot. This can cause deterioration of the finish, along with possible damage to the rotors and brake drums.
- Always clean one wheel at a time and rinse and dry thoroughly after washing to prevent soap or water build-up, which can cause stains on your wheel and even numbness of the finish over time.
The danger of bald tires
Bald tires increase the risk of an accident, especially in bad weather. And the scary truth is that more than 1 in 10 vehicles on the road have at least one bald tire.
But… what is a bald tire?
The part of a tire that comes into contact with the road is called the tread, and that tread wears out over time. When the tread of a tire is completely worn, you have a bald tire. If this is the case, you will need new tyres immediately, as your driving will no longer be safe.
In a practical and accurate way, to know when a tire is really bald, just know that the tire already comes from the factory with a device that indicates the time to replace it: it is the so-called TWI, initials in English of furring wear indicator (Tread Wear Indicator).
It's easy to find it: just repair carefully somewhere in the tread, queued at the bottom of all the grooves. It's like a little rubber cookie at the bottom of each one, with a height of 1.6 mm.
How does he indicate that the tire has come to an end? The band wears out and loses depth, until it levels with the TWI, staying at exactly the same height (1.6mm).
And… why are bald tires dangerous?
When it rains, the grooves of a good tyre help channel the water so that the tyre can keep in touch with the road. This helps reduce the chances of aquaplaning.
But the grooves on a worn tire are too shallow to effectively evacuate water that enters under the tire. That is, driving your car with bald tires in the rain can result in many dangerous situations, ranging from difficulty stopping to a complete loss of control of the vehicle.
Driving on dry roads with bald tires is also risky, since this type of tyre is more prone to failure and can be more easily punctured. It's not hard to see why a bald tire is literally thinner than a new tire, so it's easier for a nail or other object to cause a flat tire.
Worn tires can make any driving dangerous. If you're wondering when to change bald tires, it's a good idea to get rid of them right away before they contribute to a collision.
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